Copied from the May 9, 1914, newspaper article pictured below.

No. 34                 

Becker Auto Party
             St. Johns Visitors

Mr. G. Becker, who is always intent on improving the roads and boosting the country generally, has taken upon himself the task of posting road signs for many miles in every direction from Springerville. A neat sign is placed at every intersection or point where the traveler by any possible chance would be liable to stray from the right road. The signs used are of steel sheeting and besides giving directions and distances, they inform the wayfarer that the Becker Mercantile Co. " sells everything" including all kinds of automobile supplies.

Of course, Mr. Becker does not do all this work alone. He is ably backed and assisted by his sons and other live ones, some of whose names appear in the list given, below and who made up the party that visited this place last Sunday. They glided into town about 2 o'clock and lined up with their four automobiles (or three and a Ford) in front of the Hotel Barth, where they took dinner. They made the trip down over the new road and posted Signs wherever they could be of benefit to the traveling public. A week ago Sunday the same party drove out half way to Magdalena and posted signs, and this coming Sunday they expect to take up the work along the road to Cooley's ranch.

Those comprising last Sunday's party were:

Car No. 1 Mr. and Mrs. G. Becker, Miss Lucie Becker, Henry Endestein, Arthur Becker and Emma Becker.
Car No. 2 Harry Brown, Emil Blankenagle, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phelps, Miss Schelenbach.
Car No. 3 Mr. and Mrs. James Reagan, Miss Bernice Reagan and Miss Harris.
Car No.4 J. W. Becker, Johann Vietz, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Loop and family.

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