Page 2, col. 4                  April 25, 1891
Phin Clanton
Silver Belt

    Says a Clifton dispatch; Advises from Apache County state that Phin Clanton was shot and killed by Ballard Pearson at St. Johns.  No particulars.

    The foregoing announcement will be news to many people, and to no one is it more of a surprise than to Phin, himself, who is here in Globe and relishes three square meals a day and an occasional 11 p.m. lunch; but, not withstanding, in his case food does not seem to have fructified; he is still as thin as a shad after spawning time.  Mr. Clanton is one of the original settlers of Globe.  He and Tom Hammond "took up" 160 acres as a cow ranch, but never perfected their title, and when the survey of the town was made, and in consideration of the love and affection borne them, block 85, the same on which the Belt office now stands, was allotted to them, the west half to Clanton, the east to Hammond.  Clanton not realizing the value of land which then bristled with brush, orally surrendered his right, title, claim and interest to James Wiley who having a silver bee in his bonnet, left his newly acquired possession to look after itself, and upon his return from a brief prospecting tour realized that it had been "jumped."  Hammond ceased to interest himself in "his'n", in consequence of a bullet discharged by an Indian from a Springfield musket, as the result of an argument over a game of cards.

From the files of Jack A. Becker.