September 12, 1884


     On the evening of the 3rd inst, was celebrated at Springerville an occasion which deserves a conspicuous place in the annals of our new and prosperous county.  The School Trustees contracted with Mr. John Mattox for the erection of a building and we are able to say the work was done in a very creditable manner.  Mr. Mattox with his assistants Messrs. Snow and Watkins have given proof of their ability and workmanship.  It was determined to celebrate the occasion in a fitting manner, and we are able to say that those who graced the occasion with their presence, pronounced the affair in every respect the finest that has yet taken place in this section of the Territory. Especial mention is due to Mr. and Mrs. Pechner, at whose home most of the preparations were made.

     Among those who were present were Mr. and Mrs. Stover, of St. Johns,  Mr. and Mrs. Julius Becker, Miss Hominghausen,  Mr. and Mrs. Brune,  Mr. and Mrs. Conner,  Mr. and Mrs. Stanley,  Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Dionicio Baca,  Mr. and Mrs. Salzman,  Mr. and Mrs. Pechner,  Mr. and Mrs. Tony Long, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinnear,  Mr. and Mrs. Luther Martin,  Mr. Isaac Clanton,  Mr. Chilcolt,  Mr. McIntyre,  Mr. Geo. Phelps,  Mr. Charles Rudd,  Mr. Isaac N. Ellinger,  Mr. Watkins and Mr. Nelson last but not least, a number of rosy chubby children who handed around the refreshments acquitting themselves like angels.  We never saw children at an entertainment that behaved better.  The audience was large, deeply interested, and we venture to say that nowhere in this broad land could a more orderly, intelligent, and interesting audience be found.  

There was but one person seen under the influence of liquor and the cold shoulder he received tells the tempter of those present; we feel safe in saying that henceforth the Americans in this community have decided that if the place is fit for their wives and children to visit, it ought to be free from men under the influence of liquor.  An intermission of twenty minutes occurred during the exercises when there was a handsome display of fireworks and balloon ascensions, this part of the performance was greatly appreciated, especially by the little ones.  The affair wound up with a dance which was a genteel affair and greatly enjoyed by those who participated. At about one O'clock the celebration ended and all went home to dream of the happy time spent.  Below we give the Programme of the evening.


1. Chorus--To the Work, the chorus consisting of Mrs. Becker, Miss Hominghhausen, Mrs. Brune, Mrs. Salzman, Mrs. Munsinger, Miss Pease, Messrs. Pechner, Salzman, Snow, Brune, Isaac N. and Wm. Ellinger and Julius Becker.

2. Remarks by Wm. Ellinger.

3. Chorus--Battle Hymn.

4. Duet--German, by Mrs. J. Becker and Miss Hominghausen.

5. Solo--With accordeon accompaniment, by Mrs. Eulalio Baca.

6. Comic Song, by Isaac N. Ellinger.

7. Chorus--Hunters Song.

.8. Song--Whippoorwill, Miss Pease, Messrs. Pechner, Salzman, Wm. and I. N. Ellinger.

9 German Song--When the Swallows Homeward Fly, by the chorus.


10. Chorus -- Come.

11. Accordeon Solo--By Mrs Eulalio Baca.

12. Duet -- A.B.C. by Miss Pease and Mr. Salzman.

13. Song -- Hark I Hear an Angel Sing, by Miss Pease, Messrs. Pechner and Salzman.

14. Comic Song, by Senor Nicollni.

15. Chorus -- Pull for the Shore.

16. Song -- Johnny Moran, by Messrs. Salzman, Pechner and Ellinger.

17. Chorus -- Good Night.

After the exercises refreshments were partaken of, and the event closed


Remarks by Mr. Wm. Ellinger at the dedication of the Springerville Public School.

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN--The Trustees of this school have conferred upon me the honor of addressing you. In their behalf I desire to express the purposes they have in view and the hopes they contain.  Ladies and Gentlemen, we purpose that this shall be an American School in the acceptation of that word, we hope here to instill the love of our country, support of our government, respect for its laws, we shall teach morality, decency, and order. We hope to establish the highest standard of Man and Womanhood, always keeping in view that the best service we can render our kin and country is to send forth from this school, good, self reliant and self respecting young men and women. We shall endeavor by precept and example to teach such lessons that will keep high the purity and sanctity of the health and home--always remembering our mothers, our wives, sisters and sweethearts, we shall always keep in mind and teach that the proudest toast of an American is his respect for woman and shall endeavor to promote this difference.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, though this is an humble beginning, it marks an era in our new and beautiful country, we hope this small effort will fructify and that as time goes on we may plant schools everywhere.  Religion of no kind will he taught, yet we hope to instruct children, that those who desire to bring up their little ones in any particular faith will find the task all the ____, no difference will be made as to creed of any children coming here for instruction, and nothing will be said or done to influence them in the matters of religion, Ladies and Gentlemen, we shall endeavor to secure the best equipped instructors, thus far we have succeeded in this important particular, but all does not and ought not to depend upon teachers, they need and deserve, in fact must have the assistance of parents.

Your first duty is to send your little ones to school not at intervals but always, if you desire the best results, see to it that your children are regularly and punctually at school, send them in the best possible manner, I do not refer to fine clothes, but send them neat and tidy, habits and education grow, at the same time, they blend, and the greater the attention parents bestow upon these matters the greater will be the success of the teacher, profit to the scholar, credit and pleasure to the parent.  Next to the efforts of a parent are those of a teacher, the parent teaches the child home virtues, the teacher, world usefullness both go to make up good and self reliant citizens, therefore give to our teachers your encouragement and support, and the best hopes we and you indulge in will be realized.  

It is with great pleasure I speak of the teachers with us tonight.  I refer to Miss Pease and Miss Munsinger.  Miss Pease has done excellent work starting the school under the most difficult circumstances, contenting herself with the limited comfort and appliance at her disposal, she has advanced our scholars beyond expectations.  Miss Pease is about to leave us and resume her work at St. Johns--We thank her for the services she has rendered our community and assure her that she carries with her our best wishes for her prosperity and well-being.

To Miss Munsinger we extend a hearty welcome.  She comes to us with a record well established. She will take up the work and will carry it on with ability and zeal and I believe I voice the sentiment of all present when I say that we will do all we can to make her stay pleasant and her work successful.  

I am authorized to say that to any orderly social entertainment this building will always be open and the Trustees are very glad to believe that it will afford the means of bringing together our people for social purposes.  This building will be open for divine services, should at any future time a minister come desiring to use it for such a purpose.  No distinction will be made, all denominations will be welcome.  And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, trusting that such pleasant affairs as this may be of occurrence, and thanking you for your attention, I proceed to announce a continuation of tonights programme.  

We may add that Mr. Ellinger delivered an address in Spanish, for the benefit of that portion of the audience not understanding English.

Jack Becker's notations:
Drunk or sober the 36 year old legendary outlaw took time out to dedicate the Springerville School House on September 3, 1884.  He wanted to make sure his five nieces and nephews, Frank, Nora, Lee, Laura and Bertie got a good education.  Frank however, continued his education at Yuma Territorial Prison in the 1890's.

The Apache Chief Newspaper was printed in St. Johns, Arizona, weekly.
It lasted for 9 months, March 1884 - December 1884.
Courtesy - Arizona Department of Library, Archives and PUblic Records, Phoenix, AZ.

Click here to view a picture of Joseph Isaac "Ike" Clanton,  Courtesy- Arizona Historical Society, Tucson, AZ

Click here to view a picture of the Springerville School House - September 3, 1884

From Jack Becker's Collection